Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Please pray for my friend Chantell today. She is having an aspiration and biopsy done on a suspicious mass in her breast. It was caught during a routine mammogram and is 3 cm. You'd think with it being that large she could feel it, but she says she can't. I am hoping that it has to do with breastfeeding. She didn't fess up to the doctors that she ocassionally nurses her almost three year old child because she was embarrassed. So, I'm praying for it to be milk when they aspirate!:)

Tonight I am going to go see Dennis Swanberg. My wonderful husband allowed me to purchase two tickets and I am going to take Jeannie. My original plan was to take Chantell, but she is a single mom and a pharmacist, and just couldn't juggle the schedule.

I am premenstrual. I really do not like feeling this way. I get very hormonal and just want to be by myself (which is impossible!) I think if I could go live in a cave somewhere, I'd consider it.

Does anyone know why I can't change the background on this webpage? When I preview it, it shows up fine, but then when I republish the blog, it disappears. Anyone? All I know about html is what I have learned through online tutorials. Since this is a premade template from blogger, I am just learning by trial and error!

Oh, what do I make for supper this evening? It's choir day, so that will leave me feeling rushed this afternoon. I didn't take the roast out of the freezer for the crockpot. Oh, I know! Captain Crunch!:) Are you reading this Goose? It's cereal for supper. But you're used to that already.

Enough already. I need to go see if any of you have updated your blogs!:)


blessedmama said...

hey girl. sorry you're pmsing. i hate pmsing.

Monika @ Lovely Bookshelf said...

Praying for Chantell!

Anonymous said...

Have you heard anything from Chantell yet? Breastfeeding, even if occassionally can make you have little lumps...I'm praying for milk too!


I LOVE cereal for supper!

-getting to know you!
-Skipper from WAH!