Thursday, January 20, 2005

Late night!

It's late. I just got home from the Homeschool Tea. My stomach is upset. I drank two cups of decaf with cream, ate a piece of cheesecake and 2 chocolate cookies. Blech. I feel like I'm going to barf. I ended up helping out and not really listening to the speaker. I was in charge of making the coffee. 150 women, ONE 12 cup coffee pot. What was the organizer of this event thinking?!?!?! She said that last year they didn't have a lot of coffee drinkers. Well buddy, this year the entire room wanted coffee. I was brewing pot after pot after pot. We finally caught up with the demands:)

I cleaned the clutter on the kitchen counter today! I decided to have a down day from the computer. It is a time waster for me. I need, absolutely need, to read all of your blogs when I'm on this thing. I can't help myself. It's addicting for me. I can totally relate to a heroin addict. So, I decided (well, God decided) that I needed a computer free day. Today was that day. It took me forever to clear that clutter due to the interruptions from my blessings, but it is done. My husband walked in the kitchen and said, "Oh girlfriend! You've been workin' today!" I also got the sheets washed and supper made. Camille did math, language arts and reading. She started parentheses problems today. Like 8+ (9 X 6) - 7 = I don't remember doing things like this in the third grade? Do you? She will be adding and subtracting fractions in the next few weeks. I KNOW I didn't do THAT in the third grade. Now if I could just get her to write legibly. LOL!

OK I really need to get to bed. It's late and I have make-up to take off.

1 comment:

Joyful Mother said...

Hope you are feeling better this morning!! :)