Cheri did this and I thought it was following her lead I'm copying. (literally, right Cheri?) I'll describe some blogs I read without actually naming the person. Can you find yourself? Hmmm...
1. You have helped me with my own blog!:) I enjoy reading about your life and your children. We have shared some of the same experiences, are very close in age, and I admire your generosity and talent. You are the reason I know about wah.
2. You are a precious sister in the Lord. Beautiful both physically and spiritually. We share a lot of the same beliefs and convictions although I am way older than you! LOL! And if you don't know who you are already, this will give it away...babies should be born at home!:)
3. You are a new read for me. I am encouraged in my struggle with my weight when I read your blog. I have some of your blinkies on my
Weight Loss Blog. Well that totally tells you who you are!:) Thanks for letting me in on your life!
4. When I go to your blog and you haven't posted anything new, I am disappointed. I look forward to your sense of humor and really laughing out loud. You are a gifted writer and can convey your thoughts and feelings in a way I envy. I just tell myself I'm probably better at math than you! I would love to meet you in person!
5. Ah, as I think of this person, I think of your precious heart. It comes through in everything you write. You are much younger than I am, but an encouragement all the same. When I read your blog, I feel your struggles and joys with you. You are the reason I even know what a blog is! You invited me into this world and I am thankful.
6. You and I have a lot in common. Yours is another blog that I am disappointed if it's not updated daily!:) I look forward to hearing what you have to say. You are a kindered spirit that I would love to get to know more deeply. Your blog is fun to read and at the same time, you share information that is convicting and inspiring. I wish we were next door neighbors.
7. Eloquent, gifted, talented, crafty, pretty, spiritual, encouraging, convicting, simple. I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Thank you for sharing your talent and your life with me.
8. You haven't updated your blog forever, but I understand! I really enjoy reading about your family and your new blessing growing within you. I hope you write soon.
9. You are the newest blog I have been reading, but I so love the way you communicate about your life. Your children, your husband, your everyday. When I read your blog, I feel like your talking to me on the phone. I love that! Since I don't think you read my blog, you'll never know this is here!:)
10. You are thoughtful, I know that full well. You are a wonderful MOMY and you need to update your blog more than once a month!:) No Penny, this is NOT you!
That's it. I don't read 20 blogs like the rest of you. I can barely keep up with the 10 I do read!:) I guess it won't be so hard to figure out who's who, eh?