Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Struggling today

I'm having a little bit of a "situation" today with Camille regarding homeschooling. I was working with her on her seven times tables with flashcards when she started crying. I asked her why she was crying and she said it was because she didn't want to do the flashcards. I told her that she needed to change her attitude and we were going to work on the flashcards until she made some progress with her seven times tables. I ended up disciplining her for her attitude (when she had several opportunities to change it) by taking away playing privledges with her best friend. You would have thought I shot the girl with a rifle! She was wailing like a professional mourner at a Hebrew funeral. Now I have ammunition!:) I am still not certain that homeschooling is the best thing for either of us at this point. She sure isn't seeing a Godly example at home from me or Olaf for that matter. The only thing she is getting here that she wouldn't be getting in public school is curriculum from a Christian perspective. She is also missing the bullying and bad influence of the other children, but she is being bullied and has the bad influence of her mother. Which is worse? Which one is the lesser of two evils? I want to preserve some relationship with Camille and I feel like I cannot do that while she is home. On the other hand, I know that sending her to school will not solve all the problems. Also, Olaf is adamant that Camille will not go to public school and I have to submit to his decision. I feel so overwhelmed and torn most of the time. It is a huge stress in my life and has been for the three years I have schooled her at home. Again, I throw up my hands in desperation and ask God to help me be the woman He has created me to be, and to accomplish the mission He has given me.

Josiah is going poo on the potty, so I need to go sit with him.


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