Friday, November 19, 2004


We will be leaving in a few minutes for our field trip to Brusters. We are going with two other families to have a tour of the facility (it's tiny! How long can that take?) and sample some ice cream. If you don't know what Brusters's only the best ice cream place on the planet! I don't really like ice cream too much, but my family loves it. Especially Olaf and Camille. It gives me a tummy ache. The children are excited about going.

Last night at Bible Study the women all laid hands on me and prayed for me. I shared with them (and now you) that I am having some major oppression from the enemy regarding depression. I feel like if I have to do one more thing, or even if one more thing is expected from me, that I am going to collapse under the weight and have a mental breakdown. I feel inches from being admitted into a mental hospital at times. Please pray for me if you feel led from the Lord. It was interesting to hear the way the different gals prayed for me. You could hear their gifts from the Lord come out in their prayers for me. Some showed compassion and empathy, some prayed with spiritual boldness rebuking the enemy, some prayed for me to recognize sin in my life and repent... I was blessed by all of them. I wish I had my internet friend to share my struggles with. It still plays in my mind the words she ended our friendship with. That is something else I have to let God take care of. I'm sure thinking of it is just adding more stress into my already anxious heart. If you are reading this Wendy, I am praying for you and your family. I miss you.

OK, I need to get shoes on Josiah and get going to Brusters. Blessings to all who take the time to read my ramblings.

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