Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Weigh In Report

I think their scale is broken! I am down another 2.6 pounds for a total loss of 12.8 lbs. I usually have these bigger losses when another lady from Stockbridge weighs me in. I am wondering of she brings her own scale from that office, or if they keep one at the church where I meet. I'll take it!

I am taking the children to their doctor's appointment this morning. Grace and Josiah both cry when Dr. Heindel looks in their ears. My poor children. Actually, it's poor Dr. Heindel. He is such a nice fellow too.

I was up all night coughing again. My throat feels a little better this morning, but I think it's because I have a pain reliever constantly in me.

Caleb is already on the bus. He was happy! He goes to the Atlanta Zoo on Friday. That will be fun for him.

I hear Gracie on the monitor, so I best sign off for now.

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