Sunday, October 17, 2004

Grocery Shoppping

I had to do my weekly grocery shopping today. I saved 40% at Kroger and 35% at Publix. Wouldn't you know it, I had to buy dog food, cat food, cat litter, and diapers so I still spent more than I wanted to. I spent $77 at Kroger and $100 at Publix. I would like to spend no more than $130/week which would save our budget $280 a month. Olaf has $200 a week budgeted for food, so anything under that is a bonus!:)

Olaf is taking a nap. He feels horrible. All of the children are outside since it is so beautiful. I need to be clipping coupons, but thought I'd write a few sentences first. I am still very tired but coughing less. Praise God!

I hope to get a full week of homeschooling in. We haven't done a lot since I have been sick.

Come back tomorrow for the weigh in results! I'll post them at my Weight Loss Journey site which is the cute little bear link to your right.


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