Thursday, October 07, 2004

Learning HTML

Oh boy...who would have thought that starting a blog would get me hooked on learning html? This has been so fun. I even figured out how to set up a link to Graphic Garden where I downloaded these beautiful graphics for free. I added an e-mail button as well. I have learned a lot in the past two hours. Josiah is currently down for a nap and the girls are playing in their bedroom. At least I fixed them lunch before I started this! LOL! I took the weather pixie off because it just didn't fit with the graphics.

We are going to Ci Ci's tonight for supper. I will have a salad and a slice of pizza. It's hard not to overeat there, but I must stick to my guns this week. Our new ladies Bible Study starts this evening. Ms. Mike (a wonderful and Godly Titus 2 woman) is going to lead us through Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow. I am so looking forward to it. She has asked us to bring a special teacup tonight to drink tea from. We will also be celebrating my dear friend Tammy Pitts' birthday this evening. She doesn't have the internet so I can post that without her knowing.

Olaf, are you reading my blog? If you are, you are my best friend and I love you!

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