Sunday, November 06, 2005

We love Callaway Gardens

The day started out overcast as you can see from the picture above, but it turned into a gorgeous day. We went to Callaway to do some bike riding. It was the very first time that Grace has taken her own bike!

Her little legs were going a mile a minute, but she kept up! She was adorable.

My Josiah boy!

At the Butterfly Center - Camille's favorite! LOL! Camille is deathly afraid of butterflies. She always has been. She absolutely hates going into the butterfly center.

A cool looking spider we saw there. I need to look it up online.

Isn't this GORGEOUS? It is what we see when we drive home from Callaway every Autumn. God is so good to gift us with beauty like this.

My view in the car. My windshield is really dirty, but you get the idea.

1 comment:

Cheri said...

Home *sigh*