Friday, April 01, 2005

Little buses

My son rides the mini bus. You know, the one that kids make fun of. I just came in from getting him safely on the bus and was thinking about how happy he is to see it coming. Caleb loves the bus! He always has. He prefers the BIG bus, but any bus will do. Even the shuttle buses that take you from the Park and Ride to the airport. It is raining this morning so I ran to the bus with him carrying an umbrella over his head. The entire time he was trying to run faster than me and laughing and drooling all the way. Whenever my big guy laughs, drool pours from his mouth. We try to catch it before it happens by saying "close your lips" and sometimes it works. But when he is really laughing, laughing because Mama is trying to beat him to the bus, he drools. And he's loud. He doesn't care that it is 6:40 am. If he is laughing, he is laughing LOUD. I wish I were like that. Finding incredible joy over the littlest things. Like a bus. Or running in the rain.

And yet, his "quality of life" isn't what a doctor would term as "normal." Perhaps we should end his suffering by withholding all food and water. Yes, let's starve him to death. It's the only compassionate thing to do afterall. Certainly you wouldn't want to live like that. He cannot speak, write, read, or care for his personal needs. He will be a burden to society. Yes, let's murder him. That's the most compassionate thing we can do.


Anonymous said...

Oh sweetie. (((HUGS)))

Charity said...

Misty, I don't think I ever got as chilled about the Terry Shiavo thing as I did reading your blog. You're totally right, it makes not one bit of logical sense. Caleb is so lucky to be with parents that love and appreciate him so much. You're an inspiration to me, once again. Have a great wet day!

The Nurtured Empath said...

HI Misty!!
You and I are on the same page. I think the whole situation strikes hard on the heart of people who live with or love a special needs person. They have such a unique quality about them, a love of life that we could only dream of. God bless you and may God bless your sweet Caleb!! Big hugs to you and your family. I hope Olaf is doing alright, I will keep him in my prayers......injured or sick hubby's is no walk in the park!!!

Donna said...

Ditto a thousand times.

Anonymous said...

Misty, This moved me to tears. You put an entire new face to this debate. Thank you so much for sharing this.

Also, I have ben meaning to tell you that, from your picture, you look so much like my son Dylan's former girlfriend, Kasia. They were together for 5 years and Dylan broke up with her last August. I love Kasia so much and I pray they get back together.