Friday, April 08, 2005


First off, if you haven't checked out Caleb's Quilt of Love (in the sidebar) please do it. These sweet volunteers make these quilts for children who have any type of special needs. And make sure the volume is up when you view the page. It is very sweet. I sent in a little survey telling them what kinds of things Caleb likes and they wrote a poem for him and put together this "quilt." If you know any child with special needs all you have to do is request a quilt and they will do one for you.

Well, it's Friday. This week has been long for me. Maybe because Caleb was home and I was out of my routine, maybe because I've had a pissy attitude all week, maybe because ???? Who knows? Tomorrow Camille is supposed to go help plant the vegetable garden at the fairgrounds from 1-3. I am thinking maybe Olaf can take her. He would enjoy that more than I would. There is a horse demonstration going on at a local stable tomorrow and we might stop by there for a bit. Ha Ha! For a bit! Another pun I didn't intend! Olaf has to spray for the carpenter ants that are invading our home, that's for sure.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!


Charity said...

Happy Friday!! Caleb's quilt was so sweet. What a special thing. :) It was great to see you last night. Have a happy weekend.

Joyful Mother said...

I was thinking about you today, I've missed you on the boards, and thought I'd drop by and say hello.
