Saturday, April 09, 2005

Great News!

Olaf found the carpenter ant nest and killed them! WooHoo! They were behind insulation in our basement above the exterior door. He said it was a fairly large nest and the queen was huge. I chose NOT to go down and look at it. Yuck! We have never seen the ants in our basement though. Only upstairs directly above the nest. They were looking for food, I'm sure.

Today was a nice day. Olaf took Camille and Molly to plant the vegetable garden at the fairgrounds. I stayed home with my boys and we worked on the yard a bit. I also cleaned up the garage a little. Caleb was a big help. He wheeled the wheelbarrow around for me and was very helpful. If I give him specific tasks to do and give him a lot of praise, he is a big help!

I think we are heading down to Callaway Gardens tomorrow if the weather cooperates. We love it down there. It is so relaxing. And the butterfly center has reopened since they did the renovation. That should be fun. Except for Camille. She is afraid of butterflies so she waits for us at the exit while we go in and look at the beauty of God's creation. She has always been afraid of butterflies. She says their wings look evil and scary. Go figure. She'll ride a horse that could easily throw her or stomp on her, but don't let a butterfly come near her!

The children just finished watching the ABC presentation of "Little House" tonight. The Indian in it scared Grace a little so I think she may have a bad dream tonight. We'll see. Oh I can just see you "negative confession" people wincing right now.

Josiah just loves this! I got it at TJ Maxx for $25. He plays with it all day long. We go through a lot of these! He is Thomas crazy!

Donna did something fun on her blog a couple of days ago. She did a virtual tour of products she uses around her home. It was fun. I will do that when I have more free time to look up all that stuff. I did enough of it tonight!:)

Have a great day tomorrow!


Donna said...

Misty, It's funny how kids can be scared of different things. Sounds like a nice relaxing weekend. Have a blessed Lord's day!
Oh, and I look forward to your product endorsement post ;O)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the new and improved Butterfly Center!!

That would be a good week day trip for Benjamin and his play date friend!

Anonymous said...

So glad you managed to get somethgn done about those ants.