Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Funny Story

It's early Wednesday morning and I wanted to post this story..again. The first time I did it, Blogger dumped it.

Yesterday Josiah was down in the girl's room playing. All of a sudden he started crying hysterically. I ran down there and he was sitting on the floor just screaming. You know the kind of cry that scares you? He was just shaking so I picked him up. I tried to figure out what was wrong, but he was too scared to talk. About an hour later I put him in his crib for a nap. About 10 minutes into my FIRM workout, he starts screaming again. I rush in there and he is pointing. Pointing in the air, pointing at the mattress, pointing at everything. I am totally flipped now because I think my child has a brain tumor or is hallucinating. I calm him down, lay him back down and he falls asleep. Then, as I was making dinner, he starts screaming again in the living room. Olaf runs in to the room and see Josiah standing at the wall with his hands on it. He is bobbing back and forth and screaming like a mad man. Olaf flips for a minute thinking the child is turning autistic. Then he realizes what it is. Josiah is afraid of his shadow! LOL! He just found his shadow and it scares him to death. How cute is that?


Charity said...

Misty, that is just too funny. LOLOL. I hope Josiah gats over it soon. If you think about it, it's a wonder more kids aren't afraid of their shadows. If they've never noticed them before then they see this dark thing with no substance that is following them, and they can't get away from it. It did make me laugh though, poor Josiah. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

How funny!! Well, now it is funny - I can imagine how scary it was at the time for you and Josiah! sniff!

Anonymous said...

Hi Misty, Poor Josiah,I pray he gets over that soon. Have a great day!

nil said... need to come read a post on my blog

nil said...

oops its here