Friday, February 04, 2005

Love Fridays!

Fridays are my favorite day of the week. It means my family will be together for the next two days. I love that. It just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. I think the weather is supposed to be nice, so we may head down to Callaway Gardens.

Caleb has a sub bus driver again today. He is waiting outside right now. He doesn't want to come back in. He LOVES the bus. He especially loves it if there is a sub and he rides the regular size bus! His normal bus is the mini know, the one you made fun of in school. He gets so excited every morning and asks at least 100 times, "Mama, bus?" Yes son, you get on the bus every morning. You'll get on it today too! He asks for the bus every weekend too. And for about the first month of summer vacation. Since he has a sub today, the bus is running very late. I keep checking on Caleb and he is looking his wrist with no watch on it, tapping "Where is this bus?" (time lapse) Just got Caleb on the bus and it was a big one! He gets this incredible smile on his face and runs straight to it. I don't like the fact that Caleb is non verbal and cannot tell me what happens on the bus, or at school... that scares me a bit. There is an old man that his the assistant on Caleb's bus and I haven't made up my mind whether I trust him or not. He seems kind of crotchety. He's about 80 years old and not the nicest old man if you know what I mean. It goes against everything within me to send him to school in a bus, but he loves it so much and it is so much easier on the rest of the family, that I let him go.

I went to Bible Study last night and got to hold baby Grace. My husband has baby fever worse than I do right now. He's getting the children in on it as well. He asks Josiah all the time, "Do you want a baby brother or sister?" To which Josiah replies, "sitter." I wish it were that easy for us to conceive, but it never has been. You know I want to do this Breast Cancer Walk but am fearful to register in case I do become pregnant. Then what?

Camille is getting to be such a young lady. It's scary. I go in her room to check on her at night and see that big body in that little twin bed (top bunk). She could be married in 9 more years. I'm just not ready for that! So, I'll enjoy today and not think about the future. That's what we are called to do, right? She is such a blessing though. She helps me so much with the children and the chores. She desires nothing more than to be a wife and mother. I hope that attitude stays with her forever. I long to see her fulfilling her role 100 times better than I have done. Can you imagine the legacy that can be left behind if our children all have several children who serve and love the Lord? Like Molly said a couple of days back, we could take over the world!

I need to go read your blogs now. At least a few before the children get up. Oh, and check out this new sig tag that Becky made for me! Isn't is great???


Charity said...

Good Morning Misty!It was so good to see you last night. Did you know when you took off your glasses and had your hair out of the ponytail last night, you looked like Pocahontus? That's so funny about Caleb looking at his bare wrist and thinking the bus was late. It's really cool living in this time of technology when my baby girl is a link on the internet. And i really didn't mean to cut the circulation off from her head last night with that hairbow. I haven't had it on her in two weeks and her little head must have grown! I'm so glad Olaf can be home with you the next 2 days, that's wonderful. Have a great time! Talk to you soon.:)

Unknown said...

SUSPRISE!! I love you!!!!!!

Molly said...

you go Mrs. Misty. where did you get that from. see yah.


blessedmama said...

hi girl. i like your new siggie. :D
hope your weekend is great!