Sunday, February 06, 2005

Superbowl Sunday

It's playing behind me. I don't watch football, but I'd like to see the Patriots win. You know why? I like their helmets better!

We visited Grace Community Church today. It's the church where I go to Bible Study. Everyone knows me so we didn't get the "visitor" treatment. The children stayed in the service with us and did well. Grace and Josiah colored and Caleb sat nicely through the service. It only lasted an hour, so that is great for our family. Pastor Carl taught on the qualifications for elders and deacons because they are accepting nominations for those positions. It was good. Carl has a servants heart and that comes through in his teaching. The congregation is so mixed. It's really neat to see very old people, very young people, families with many children, some women who covered their heads etc. There were no black people there though...except for Caleb. The sevice is fairly formal which is weird for us. We are used to praise music and wearing jeans to church. That wouldn't be the norm in this church. The music was hymns or praise choruses sung to tracks of music. I do like the fact that most people in the church homeschool. Most women believe it's their delight to stay at home and take care of their families. That is so refreshing.

After lunch we went to Target so I could pick up some Valentine candy. Hershey's puts out kisses that are white chocolate/strawberry creme at Valentines. They are tasty. They have little hearts on the wrapper. Very cute.

I weigh in tomorrow. I have no idea what I weigh. I haven't paid much attention to my diet the past two weeks. Olaf is starting WW with me tomorrow, so I think I will be able to lose faster now. It always helps to have the husband trying to lose weight as well. I'm sure he'll surpass me in pounds lost in a very short period of time. Men can lose weight faster for some reason.


Charity said...

Misty, I was so glad to see you in church yesterday, I just wish you hadn't run out so quickly so I could have talked to you for a minute and met your family. Nate said you were just like he pictured you. I talk about you all the time. (It's all good, girlfriend :) Are you coming to Ladies of Grace tonight? The Jewish ministry, (I forget their name) is going to be there talking about the feasts of Purim and Esther. It should be good. You can hold Grace all night if you want! ;P Talk to you later, have a great day!

queenmari said...

Misty, I didn't know you had an African American child. I have an AA daughter. She is now 22, and a senior in college in Chicago (on an athletic scholarship). I love learning more and more about you.