Thursday, April 05, 2007

Thankful Thursday

1. I am so thankful for the health of my family. Especially after seeing this.

2. A husband who loves me.

3. A finished basement.

4. A baby almost born.

5. A God whose mercies are new every morning.

6. Homeschooling DVD's.

7. Ice to chew.

8. The Office is on tonight. And it's a new episode to boot.

9. Cloth diapers and baby cologne.

10. Jasmine and Vanilla Hand Soap from Bath and Body Works.

11. Gracie who tries to read everything now. And when she can't she says, "Mom what does I-N-C-O-R-P-O-R-A-T-E-D spell?"

12. Dog Groomers.

13. Tide detergent.

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