Monday, July 04, 2005

Just a little PS

I forgot to tell you that the local newspaper is coming out on Friday to interview me about my 3-Day Walk. Angela Webster, the reporter, is a friend of the Ishwerwoods. I have met her several times and sat with her at tea at Ms. Mike's (see picture below) 60th birthday party a few years ago. I e-mailed her and let her know about the walk and she is coming Friday morning to interview me and take a picture for the paper. Autographs anyone?? Bwah ha ha ha ha!


Rebekah Castleberry said...

How exciting about the interview!! Have fun!! Happy 4th! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, that means you're famous, gee whizz, I've never known someone famous before, not in real life, I mean, like, wow, I am honoured and all of that. Heehee

Anonymous said...

How cool - is this newspaper online?
