Saturday, July 02, 2005

I walked 6 miles this morning. My hands swelled up like balloons. I asked for advice on the 3-Day boards and everyone said to bring a stress ball or some silly putty to play with while I walk. I can't wait to see what they look like after 20 miles! Yippee! (I'm totally being facetious) I went to Target today and bought a twin air matress and a battery powered pump. I know I just bought the pad, but I was thinking that a pad will not be enough cushion on nights two and three! My body is probably going to be hurting and I want to sleep on a matress. That is...IF I camp! Olaf is telling me I MUST camp. "It's a part of the experience, Misty!" I just think he doesn't want to come pick me up!:)

Tomorrow is Callaway Gardens and the beach. I am going to walk another six miles on the beautiful trails, while Olaf has the children at the beach area. He really is a good husband. I'm not sure he will watch them properly, but if they are alive and unhurt when I get back then I'll be happy. Men just don't have those eyes in the back of their heads like women do. I can watch all four children at once and keep on top of their every move. Olaf has to take care of one at a time.

Need to get the children in bed.


Cheri said...

Do you pump your arms while you walk? I used to walk five miles a day and that is the way I walk to keep hands from swelling etc. Go you, I so want you to camp. AND I will NOT be jealous that you are going to Calloway

Anonymous said...

congratulations misty! that's some great walking!