Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Over the past two days I have eaten an entire batch of No Bake Cookies. You know, the one with cocoa, butter, milk, and sugar. Then you add quick oats and peanut butter and drop them by the spoonful on wax paper. I ATE THE ENTIRE BATCH! My visitor is here (aka Aunt Flo) and I needed...I mean NEEDED...the entire batch of cookies. And it didn't stop there. I have eaten like a pig and have gained about 6 pounds back in the last couple of months. I must stop the insanity. Remember Susan Powter? That was her infomercial back in the early ninety's. "Stop the Insanity!"

And with that rant, I am going to bed. I have had a bad day and I am more than ready to close my eyes and start afresh tomorrow.


Cheri said...

Do I remember her? To this very day that is my most favorite workout video. Now she's a bit (heck, even MORE) freaky...but oh yeah love the buzz cut aerobics doing susan powter video. :)

Anonymous said...

Those are the best cookies ever! Yumm.... Now I want some.

Charity said...

I loved Susan Powter!! I hope today is better for you. Make it a fresh start, and don't beat yourself over eating chocolate when Aunt Flo is visiting. We do NEED it! Just think of all the calories you have burned walking lately. You are beautiful. I will miss you Thursday. :( See you next week! :)

Stephanie said...

Don't beat yourself up! You are training for a marathon - your body must have told you that you needed the extra calories, right?! :-)

Anonymous said...

Cookies? I keep them out of the house so that I don't do that, because right now with all the stress over the washign machien flood and other jobs that need doing at home in the next two week, I think I could eat batch after batch.
W@H Zoe (can't remember my blogger log in today)

Gem said...

We call them poop cookies. It still doesn't stop the cravings. Aunt Flo is here too and now I have to make poop cookies. Thanks a lot!

blessedmama said...

oh i haven't had those in so long! my mom used to make them all the time. mmmmmmmm. a whole batch doesn't sound like enough to me. ;)

Anonymous said...

i'm back from vacation and picked my laptop up from the shop. i have missed you.

i love those cookies. next time you make them send me some! LOL

lots of love, mari