Friday, June 02, 2006


In a span of 5.5 hours (10:30 am to 5:30 pm minus 1.5 hours in the pool) Caleb asked to eat 38 times.

The number of times I had to shoo him out of the kitchen because he was trying to get himself something to eat: 9

From 10:30 am until noon (when we got in the pool) he asked to get into the pool 10 times.

And he only asked for Papa two times the entire day! (It would be more but the pool is new and took precedence.)

OK, so lets do the math. Based on the above numbers, Caleb asked to eat almost seven times an hour. That is more than once every 10 minutes. Combine that with the two times per hour that I had to shoo him out of the kitchen and you get an idea of what I deal with on a daily basis. The key is to keep him busy. The pool was great. He didn't ask to eat once. He does play outside but not for very long because of the heat. I try to get him to help me with chores like folding clothes etc. Any more ideas on how to keep a mentally challenged child (with no attention span whatsoever) busy?

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