Tuesday, March 21, 2006

This, that, and the other

Nothing much to blog about. Except that it seems like everyone is pregnant. I called a friend last night that I haven't talked to for a few months and she is expecting (Ms. Martha, I'm talking about Sharalyn). This will be her second child and she is a high risk pregnancy. She has tachycardia and takes beta blockers for it. She cannot take them while she is pregnant and her heart just races and causes chest pain. Pray for her.

Camille is doing math right now. I ordered her achievement test and will give that to her in April. Since she took the same test last year it will be fun to see how much she has improved. I was looking through this catalog (on paper not online) last night. They have some great books and curriculum. There is a Children's Club for young girls called Keepers At Home Club For Girls. Their little boy club is Contenders For The Faith Club For Boys. It sounds like something I would love to do with Camille. I am going e-mail our local homeschool group to see if anyone already has a group going. If not, I just may start one.

I have been awake since about 3:00 am. You want to know why? Because some bird that obviously thought it was morning started chirping in my backyard and did not stop. Finally...finally, at 6:40-ish he shut up. The only thing I can think of is he spent too much time at the birdie bar and was looking for a date. I tried to find him but it was dark. I SO would have shot him with the BB gun. I would have pumped that gun up as high as my fat arm would let me and blasted the feathers right off him. I normally would not kill anything, but I would have taken great pleasure in shooting this bird. Maybe you can earn a badge in the Keepers At Home Club for shooting birds?? Well, maybe that would be in the boys club, but I bet you can earn a badge for frying it up in a pan!:)

Mmmm, all this talk of bird makes me hungry. I need to go eat breakfast.

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