Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Your English Skills:

Spelling: 100%

Punctuation: 80%

Vocabulary: 80%

Grammar: 60%


Charity said...

Misty, you are soooo mean, I know you just put this here to show off that YOU can spell and I can not!!! (Going to take the test now, we'll see what comes of it.) I still love you anyway, Miss Smarty Pants!! :)

Charity said...

Okay, I just took the quiz, I got 100% in punctuation, 80% in vocabulary, 80% in grammar, and well, let's just leave it at that! :)

Anonymous said...

I know the answer without taking this test and I am NOT posting it!!!!!
Hope you have a GREAT day!
Oh, did you vote for Scott this week??
Love, Suzanne :-)