Friday, November 03, 2006

Woo Hoo it's Friday!

I can honestly say that nothing exciting has happened to me since I posted on Monday. Got up, did school with the girls, surfed the net, did a little housework (not much), showered once in get the idea.

The children have enjoyed the cool weather by jumping on the trampoline. They all have colds thanks to Caleb, but it's nothing more than a runny nose. No cough or fever. The little two love to be outside and Camille is their official babysitter. Thank God for big sisters!

My friend, Karen, started chemotherapy again yesterday. Please pray for her and her precious family. Chemo makes you feel horrible and Karen has five small children to mother. She is taking Xeloda which is a pill. It doesn't make you lose all your hair either. She was on Xeloda when she was first diagnosed with cancer over 18 months ago. She went off it last November and has been chemo free for almost a full year. You can read her update on her blog.

I received my diapers from Jardine Diapers. I love them. I had the best time washing them and folding them. Yes, I still have SIX MONTHS before the baby comes...but I cannot wait to put a cloth diaper on it's little bum.

Look at all that cloth loveliness!! Notice the pile of covers on the right. I have many different brands and sizes to try. I bought some cheap baby washcloths from the Dollar Store and some from Target as well to use as baby wipes. I figure if I'm washing the diaper it will be much easier to use a washcloth than try to dispose of a regular wet wipe with poo on it. I'll just wipe their little bum and put it in the soiled diaper. Can you tell I am really excited about this?

So glad it's the weekend. Olaf needs to do some yardwork and get some things ready to donate to Goodwill. I need to do some grocery shopping.

Oh, I baked a yummy loaf of whole wheat bread yesterday. Charity ground some wheat for me and the bread was delicious. No, I do not have a bread machine. Yes, I do everything by hand...just like the old days. (Except my pan is WAY better)

My recipe just calls for wheat, water, yeast, honey, and salt. No egg or oils at all. I am going to have a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch. YUM!

There ya go! There was my week. Have a blessed weekend. Now I am going to make myself a sandwich...

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