Monday, November 20, 2006

It's almost Thanksgiving

The children are doing better although we all still have colds. At least they can breathe now. Caleb is home all week from school so I get to hear "Mama eat" a thousand times a day.

I fought the crowds at WalMart yesterday to get groceries. It was super busy. If I would just get busy and start cutting coupons again, I wouldn't have to go to WalMart. I have been so lazy in doing that and it really does help tremendously in the grocery bill. This website is so helpful! We have decided to forego the turkey and just have ham this year. So our menu is:

Potato Salad (requested by Grace)
Mashed Potatoes (required by Olaf)
Sweet Potato Casserole
Green Beans
Pumpkin Pie
Apple Pie
Pecan Pie (required by MOI!)

The pregnancy is going fine. I have an OB appointment next Monday. Hopefully I will get to hear the heartbeat. I will be 16 weeks 4 days then, so I should be able to hear it. The appointment in December will be the ultrasound where we get to see if this little baby is a boy or a girl. I am looking forward to that. It will be my first 3D ultrasound. They can copy it to DVD as well, so maybe I can figure out how to post a picture from it on here. Don't get your hopes up though. I'm not that techno savvy.

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