Thursday, December 27, 2007

Almost 2008!

We had a great Christmas. (If you aren't marked as a 'friend' you will not see the Christmas photos!) Josiah turned FIVE yesterday (you'll see those photos too) and we went to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate. I totally blew my diet this week and gained two pounds. I cannot believe I did that. However, I did exercise every other day with the FIRM. At least that is a step in the right direction. I plan on doing the FIRM every other day until I get a little stronger, then I will go to everday.

Here is a video of Josiah on his fifth birthday (yesterday). He is so cute. He lives on peanut better and chocolate. He has the prettiest brown eyes and his favorite drink is milk. He weighs about 45 pounds and is about 45 inches tall. I think he is pretty neat.

I hope y'all have a great New Year. I never make resolutions because I never keep them. I do hope to be lighter at the end of 2008, but that's about all.

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