Monday, August 06, 2007


Grace lost her other front tooth last night. She chose to keep the tooth rather than get money from the "tooth fairy." When the children lose a tooth, Olaf goes into their room while they are still awake and does a "fairy dance" around the room, collects the tooth and deposits money, and then dances out of the room. The children LOVE it. They laugh the entire time. However, for some reason only Grace knows, she chose to "keep" her tooth and not have the tooth fairy come. Oh well...

On another note, my baby turned three months old August 4th. Oh yes he did! Can you believe it?

He doesn't look like this anymore:

Not a flattering photo, eh?

I have been using the all in one cloth diapers that I have on Simon because they fit him perfectly right now. I took a picture of him in a Kushie today. It is my least favorite all in one, but they work.

I just ordered two Hugga Buns to see how they will work. I have four Fuzzi Bunz and about four Bumkins as well. He looks so cute in his cloth behind.

Caleb started school today. He was so excited to ride the bus. He loves school. I can't believe I have two children in middle school.

Michelle Duggar had her 17th baby August 2nd.

Olaf and I always said we wanted 10 children but that isn't attainable anymore in my old age. God truly is in control of my womb because I am the woman that wants ten children and only have five. I am so thankful for the five gifts that He has given me though. Each one is a present straight from heaven. I pray that we have at least one more, and that she's a girl. Hee hee.

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