Thursday, September 22, 2005


I asked my nine year old daughter for a Christmas list. Things will be tight this year at Christmas, so I wanted to know what she really wanted. Here is her list (spelling errors hers):

Saraphina cat toy (if anyone still has it!)
Brietta the flying horse (in the new Barbie movie.)
Maybe the new Barbie from the new movie too.
That cute dress from Lands End that Mama already got me.
Some kind of mystery books.
A hard computer game! (for ages 10 or older)
A new 2006 calender.

That's it! She doesn't even know what an X Box is or Nintendo or Game Boy. Oh, thank you God! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Charity said...

Oh Misty, that is so sweet. You have done a great job in training your children not to be materialistic. Here at my house, George asked me this morning if he could have 20 birthday presents!! :P

Anonymous said...

What a cute list! She's 9? Sounds like time to invest in a few Nancy Drew books. :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Misty, hope all is well. What a sweetie you have. You are a great mom. Have a good evening.

Cheri said...

Sounds like a fun Christmas list. My boys know what gameboys are, they have them...heh, but they also have grandparents that gift them with new games for holidays. Woot!!! I've also heard raves about the Elsie Dinsmore books.