Saturday, May 20, 2006

Good Morning

Saturday morning. Caleb's last baseball game. It's supposed to be warm today too. We've had a beautiful week of cool weather. I mean, unseasonably cool. It has been lovely. Back to normal today. Hot and sticky and yucky.

I had a dream last night that I met my new baby niece. Scott (the Dad and my BIL) was alone (I have no idea where Frances, his wife, was) and I was telling him to bring me a bottle so I could feed the baby. Well, he brought me one ounce of refrigerated Pediasure in a bottle for a newborn! LOL! I was telling him that she needed formula and he was just laughing at me saying, "You think you know EVERYTHING Misty." Which is basically the way I feel around Scott in real life. I get the feeling that he thinks we are a bit on the dumb side. Afterall, we are not college graduates and we are born again Christians. That must make us rather stupid to some people. It is a bit sad that Olaf and I have no extended family that we see at all. His father and brother live in NY. His father says he is too old to travel and will not visit. Scott used to come about once a year but we haven't seen him since Josiah was 4 months old (Over three years ago). My mother and siblings live in Oregon. No one will come to Georgia to visit us. It has been six years since I have seen my mother and siblings. I am looking forward to making memories with my children and grandchildren. I cannot wait to have everyone over for BBQ's and big dinners and family vacations. You bet your sweet bippy that I will get my old butt on a plane and travel to wherever my children are. I don't care if it's half way around the world. It makes me feel a bit rejected and unloved to know that my family doesn't care enough to come see us, but I just have to remember that God is the Father to the orphan and the husband to the widow. I have to put my hope in that and not look longingly back at what never will be.

On another note, my poor husband has had shoulder pain for over a week now. It is constant and hurts him a lot. 1200 mg of Motrin doesn't touch the pain. I want him to go to the doctor, but I can only nag so much. I am worried about him because I just read of a person (that I personally know) with severe shoulder pain that was diagnosed with cancer all over his body. Yes, my hypochondria is taking over.

Well, hubby is up and I need to go. Have a great weekend.

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