Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Nothing spectacular to write about. Well, there is really nothing spectacular in my blog. I am PMS'ing and waiting for my period to arrive.

I ordered a fanny pack for my three day walk. I got it cheaper than the price listed though. I paid $14.99 WITH shipping. I wanted to start training with it to see if it is going to hurt my back or bother me in some other way. I should also start wearing the lanyard they sent me. I hate things around my neck so I will more than likely clip it somewhere versus wearing it.

Olaf is outside mowing the backyard. This is the first time this season that he has mowed. I have done it three times so far. I like to mow but I don't like emptying that heavy bag when it fills up with clippings. That is the hardest part for me.

I walked a little today. I'd like to go out this evening and walk another 3 miles for a total of 5.5 for the day. I NEED to walk further at one time, but the only day that is possible is on the weekend. I am going to try 6 miles one day this weekend. I volunteered to be a Training Walk Leader for the 3 Day. Basically I scout out a route and put the walk on the website. That's all there is to it. Of course, I have to show up and walk as well.

Now that I have bored y'all stiff...have a great night!

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