Sunday, June 19, 2005

Father's Day

It's Father's Day today. We went to Callaway Gardens. The beach was open but we decided not to do the swim thing this time. The children were disappointed, but not terribly so. It was kind of cool and overcast which is great weather for Callaway. I desperately need to go grocery shopping, but that is going to have to wait. Unless I go after the children go to bed. Or maybe I can take all the children with me tomorrow. Yeah, right!

Tomorrow I have my annual GYN appointment. That is always fun!:) I went to the physician assistant on Friday about my throat. Of course he said he cannot see that far down my throat and told me to go to an ENT. DUH! I knew that but the office wouldn't give me a referral unless they saw me first. I really do not like managed healthcare. It sucks so bad. I am really nervous about my throat. I guess with Karen and all the stuff that she is going through, my mind steers toward the worse case scenario. Of course, Olaf thinks I am a lunatic and doesn't mind making me feel like an absolute idiot about it either. That helps.

On Thursday I go in for my crown appointment. The last one, praise God. I am sick of the dentist. I am going to ask if they will sponsor me on my 3-day walk. I will ask Dr. Heindel when I see him too. And my pharmacist. Chantell already sponsored me for $75.00. That was so generous of her. I really want to get my $2,100 out of the way soon. I don't want to be near the end and not have enough money to walk. That would suck. Camille sponsored me for $10. Isn't that sweet? She gave me money that she made pet sitting. What a precious gesture on her part.

Karen is back home from the hospital but Krista told me today that she doesn't look so good. She is supposed to start taking her chemo pills tomorrow, but noone is sure if she'll be able to or not. It seems she is so weak that she cannot eat much. She seems to be in a vicious cycle. She cannot eat, so she gets weak, which makes her not be able to eat etc. Please pray for her. And then pray about if you can donate to my walk in honor of Karen. Every donation is tax deductible.

Time to get the children in bed.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Karen has been on my heart and I have been praying for her. I'm sorry you are having a hard time with your throat - I tend to fear and think of the worst case possible, too. I'll be praying for you, too! You'll be fine!