Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Well, today I went back on the diet. The first three letters just about say it all. I MUST get off the sugar. It's a vicious cycle. Eat more, want more...eat more, want more. I went to TOPS last night. TOPS stands for Take Off Pounds Sensibly. It is way cheaper than Weight Watchers although I will still be following the WW plan. I just need that scale accountability. TOPS is kind of corny, but I think it will be good for me. It is only $6 per month. They have fun things like paying a quarter for every pound (or portion thereof) that you gain and at the end of the month, the biggest loser takes the kitty home. If you are the biggest loser for the night you take home a small wrapped present etc. Just fun little things to try to keep you motivated. They read a portion of Dr. Phil's Weight Loss book last night and let me borrow the Dr. Phil food guide. At the beginning of each meeting you have to say the TOPS pledge. (I told you it was corny)

I am an intelligent person.
I will control my emotions, not let my emotions control me.
Every time I am tempted to use food to satisfy my frustrated desires,
build up my injured ego, or dull my senses,
I will remember, even though I overeat in private-
My excess poundage is there for all the word to see.

The last line used to be: HOW FOOLISH I HAVE BEEN, but they changed it:) I guess too many people complained about it. I guess I need to start that Weight Loss Blog again.

Camille did Math, Spelling, Language Arts, and History today. We are learning about the New England Colonies right now. I love reading it to her because I learn so much. I didn't know that Rhode Island was the first colony settled for the sole purpose of having complete religious freedom. Massachusetts was settled by the Puritans and kicked anyone out that didn't believe in their religion. So, a guy named Roger Williams (a Baptist) started Rhode Island and called that first place he settled Providence. Y'all probably knew that, but I didn't. Their charter ensured that anyone would have complete religious freedom and not be penalized in any way if they believed (or didn't believe) differently. Mr. Williams knew that no one can force a person to believe in Christ. I think I would have liked him.

The Delta pilots are threatening a murder/suicide if they don't get their way. They don't want to take the pay cut that Delta wants them to take and say they will strike and put the airline under for good. Gotta love greed. I know that taking a 23% pay cut is HUGE, but Olaf has taken 19% this year and he doesn't make 1/3 of what the pilots make. The average Delta pilot makes over $160,ooo per year. And 23% of $160K is a lot of jack! It's $36,800 to be exact...ouch! But, they would still make $123,200 which is better than.... let's say.... nothing! So, pray for Delta my friends. It doesn't look good. Our pay cut started November 1st, so today is our first pay check with the 9% loss. (We took 10% January 1, 2005) Pretty soon we will be able to qualify for WIC. I'd laugh if it weren't true. One more baby or one more pay cut and we'll be there. BUT, the LORD is good and we still have more than we need. I have nothing to complain about. Nothing at all.

I am off to clean toilets. And tubs. Where are those maidens in Proverbs 31?


Misty said...

I wish you great success at TOPS. "Fools" like us need all the help we can get! I will be checking your Weight Loss Blog for updates. :o)

Anonymous said...

I pray that Delta can hold it together. I know how you feel as my hubby works on commission and that can be a walk of faith, also. Kudos on the weight loss thing. I'm exercising, but I guess it would help if I ate better, too! Still hoping for another wee one...

Anonymous said...

I will keep praying for Delta. I know what it is like. When Northwest left Atlanta and Sam had to find another job, we ended up making 50% of our previous pay! Not a good time to be in the Airline business.