Monday, July 25, 2005

I really shouldn't but...

he is so cute! I told him to give me a thumbs up for going poo on the potty! The last 6 pictures on this roll (yes, this is FILM) were all toilet pictures separated by at least a month! I guess I forgot that I had already took poo poo pictures. I am such a dork. He is back to going poo 100% of the time in the potty. He could care less about going pee pee in the potty though. I think he was traumatized when I put underwear on him and he went all over himself. It scared him.

Shasta is still sick. I think this is a different sick though. He seems to have a sneezing/coughing type cold. I sure hope he makes a full recovery. I was up all night worried about him.

No word on the foreman job that Olaf interviewed for. Hopefully he will know sometime this week. If nothing else they said he did a great job on the interview.

We went to Costco yesterday. We didn't buy too much. Nothing fun anyway. Camille bought a new book with her pet sitting money. She bought this. It was $16.99 and she gladly forked over the money. She loves books! The only fun thing I got was a berry smoothie.

It is hotter than hades today. Well, not really I'm sure. Now, that isn't a pretty thought. I absolutely HATE the heat. I am so happy I am saved. We were listening to Chris Tomlin on the way to riding lessons this morning. If you haven't bought his CD, you really MUST. It just makes you sing along and worship the Lord. If you go to his website make sure your volume is turned up!

What to make for supper??? Hmmm... any ideas?


Stephanie said...

A friend just gave me that CD - it's pretty great. :) Congrats on the potty success!

Kim said...

You realize he'll need therapy after that picture, don't you? :-)